It’s here! The Highway Cello book is now available. It felt to me as though it was a slow process – a long time coming. But they tell me publishing is never quick. Actually I’m supposed to tell you this is a pre-publication offer. There’s a formal, real, publication date in May. But for you, my special blog subscribers(!), the ebook is available today. And you can order the actual, real, physical, bricks and mortar (I mean paper and ink) book for delivery, post-free, next week!
I’m very excited. It seems to me a good day to publish a book. It is, after all, the birthday of one of the 20th century’s absolutely supreme cellists – one Mstislav Rostropovich. And if you’ve been paying attention to the blog so far, you might remember that means it’s my birthday too. Well, happy birthday, then. Thank you.
I thought we’d take the opportunity for a general update, spring-clean, and re-launch of the website, too. So there’s lots of new stuff on there, if you want to have a browse…
And talking of new stuff, I’ve been getting into some new music too. One of the things that’s got lots of us cellists excited lately is Wednesday. Mention that in a group of people, and you learn a lot very quickly. You immediately know who watches Netflix, and who knows about The Addams Family. I confess I’d never seen The Addams Family, but this spin-off is fabulous. No spoilers, but just let me tell you that Wednesday, the daughter of the family (played magnificently deadpan by Jenna Ortega) plays a black cello. Her rendering of the Rolling Stones’ Paint it Black is simply magnificent.
And I’ve been trespassing on violin territory, and trying to play Monti’s Czardas. Well, I have to tell you, it’s [word removed] difficult on the cello. So you might not be hearing me play that one in public for a while yet.
But there are some gigs coming up. Do you remember Christian, the Brazilian cellist with a bike, who I met in Canterbury? He’s back in Europe, doing a big tour again. As part of that tour he’s coming up to Cumbria, and we’re going to do a few gigs together, in April. I’m getting excited about that.
And I’m trying to organise a book tour, and a few other things. Watch this space. And invite me to play a gig, of course!
Please spread the word about Highway Cello. Tell everyone to read it. Buy it for everyone for Christmas. Post a review. Etc., etc. You know the drill.
Thank you for everything!
Congratulations and a very happy birthday!! I definitely want a bricks and mortar version. Angela x